
{March 3, 2013}   Bath Salt Impossible

We had our first bath salt incident today. The twenty year old guy decided to try to out run the police officer who was attempting to pull him over for reckless conduct. The kid made it about a mile before trying to pass two cars on a sharp corner, ending up in a snow bank. He then got out of his vehicle and attacked the police officer who, after scuffling with him, managed to plant him face first on the pavement. They called us to check him out and he insisted he needed to go to the hospital via ambulance. He said his uncle is a federal judge and the police broke his back so he’s suing the Town. As the police tried to escort him he head butted the officer in the face and proceeded to flip out. It was quite a show. We did not transport the subject. He went via police cruiser. The arresting officer is a friend of mine and I just found out that they had to use three cans of pepper spray on the kid and then the hospital staff asked them to remove him from the premises.
Bath Salts- a terrible drug. Why in the world would someone take them knowing what happens??? It’s crazy. That kid is going to do time. His rap sheet just got exponentially longer.

Time for my evening workout 🙂

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